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10 excuses of unproductive people

Posted by / July 11, 2014

No one wants to be known as the weight around an organization’s neck, but it isn’t always easy to tell if you’ve become the problem.

If any of these phrases spelled out by Inc.’s John Brandon sound familiar, though, that could be the case.

The good news is that there’s always an opportunity to turn things around before the boss or team leader has to bring it to your attention.

1. I’m overworked

I hear this one constantly. What unproductive people might not realize is that we are all overworked. We’re in an overworked age. Instant access to email and a mobile browser means work is always just a click away. What separates the wheat from the chaff? The really productive people don’t dwell on the problem. They just do the work.

2. That’s not my job

I’ve written before about staying productive by focusing on your job and not doing the work of unproductive co-workers. That’s always a bad pattern to set. Curious, then, that the really unproductive people always seem to notice when they’re doing extra work to help a project. They focus on their role too much and on what everyone else is not doing. Truly productive people don’t even care. They just do whatever it takes to get things done and plow ahead, analyzing the exact role definitions later.

3. I’ll finish that later

Forget the Mark Twain quote about procrastination. Unproductive people waste time because they live in a constant state of incongruity. The loose ends of their tasks never meet up, and stay loose. They start one Word document, work on it for a while, drop it, then start working on a PowerPoint. In the “picking up and setting down” process they waste time because each tasks needs a jumpstart, which uses more energy.

Full story at Inc.

Fighting counterproductive attitudes.

Graphics credit: Canva

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  • Interesting post

  • Number 3 which is same as Procrastination is a big problem when it comes to productivity, i know many people who suffer from this and i do call it a disease because it can really paralyze someone’s progress. You beat it, you are well on your way to success.