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12 things to remind yourself when all hope is lost

Posted by / January 28, 2015

Having one of those moments where you’re hiding behind the bathroom door, refusing to acknowledge it will ever have to be opened again and drowning in a sea of tears and snot?

We all have times when the waves of life knock us to the ground, and they just keep coming, but the important thing is to grab that mental life preserver and ride out the storm.

Jenna at Dumb Little Man offers the “Deal-With-It-Dozen” to tide you over to days of calmer seas, so bookmark it for emergencies.

I know I am…


1. We’re stuck with ups and down – make the best of them

The ups and downs of life are inescapable parts of living, and need to be dealt with. We all experience them, and the wise, the optimistic, the clever rejoice in the ups, and take action when things go wrong. Remember, hope beats the hell out of despair. Cultivate optimism, and get into the habit of expecting the best.

2. Our downs are not our own fault

We haven’t been selected by some malign fate to bear the world’s troubles. Our downs are not the results of being bad. They’re not some kind of heavenly punishment. As the T-shirts say, shit happens. OK, so now do something about it. Be positive. Just get on with life.

Full story at Dumb Little Man via HASO.

Riding out the psychological storms.

Graphics credit: Canva

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