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6 ways to maintain perspective at work

Posted by / February 3, 2011


Everyone needs a little mental space in work and in life. But what’s the best way to do it? Harvard Business Review provides six great tips on gaining perspective. Here are just a few:

Be honest about how much time you spend at work and why. Is it really necessary to work long, extra hours to accomplish your tasks and objectives, or are you regularly staying late for other reasons? To impress your boss and your peers, or simply because you are not managing your time well during the day?

Remind yourself that you are much more than your job. However much you love your job, it is a mistake to define yourself too closely to your work. Take time to reflect on what you want to achieve in life and think about your definition of personal success. This should help you during those times when work gets difficult and the pressure becomes unbearable. What is your definition of life success?

Full story at Harvard Business Review.

More great career tips.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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  • Anonymous

    ( will keep this in my mind when I work again, hopefully soon

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