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7 gestures to make you look like a genuine thought leader

Posted by / January 25, 2014

I’ve spent a fair amount of time talking to people who’d be considered brilliant, even thought leaders. I was shocked to see how many of these seven gestures those people actually use. Here’s my favorite, the Dialectic:

You’ve definitely seen it at some point. Maybe it was in a lecture in college. Maybe it was in a TED talk you watched recently. Someone is trying to explain some important historical connection, drawing up a grand theory of art or science or human progress, and there it is, as if by reflex: the hand lifts in front of them like an upturned claw, the fingers slowly turning an invisible dial. That’s “The Dialectic,” one of the hand gestures you’ll need to master to become a genuine thought leader.

Full story at Wired.

More ways to look smart when you speak.

Photo credit: Wired

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