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7 habits of genuinely kind people

Posted by / November 11, 2015

While our culture worships at the altar of successful people, brash people, outrageous people, the ones who make our lives better every time we see them are kind people.

A meal delivered when we’re at our wit’s end, a hug when everyone else is too afraid to approach, a smile in line at Starbucks, these are the people who help us make it through another long day.

If you’d like to be the type of person who warms the hearts of those around you, check out these seven habits of kind people.

They may not make you a millionaire by the age of thirty, but they could earn you friends for a lifetime and the ability to rest easy knowing you’ve done good in the world.

1. They’re kind to themselves. They know that being spontaneous and generous requires having solid stores of your own positive energy. So, they take care of meeting their own needs first, before giving to others. As a result, receiving from them feels like a true gift.

2. They’re grateful. Truly and deeply grateful … for life and all its blessings, its challenges, and its lessons. In every circumstance, they take time to find and acknowledge the kernel of good — viewing every situation with a glass half full mindset. They still acknowledge what’s challenging, but in facing it, they strive to help others keep perspective, too.

Full story at Care2.

Relationships before riches.

Graphics credit: Canva

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