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7 leadership traits from the Navy SEALs

Posted by / February 25, 2014

The Navy SEALs are, arguably, the toughest dudes on the planet. If you want to be an effective leaders, it’s a good idea to imitate the guys who will stop at nothing to get things done. Here are a few of the lessons you can take from the SEALs.

Teamwork is your top priority. 
A mission cannot be successfully executed unless the team is functioning as one. The SEALs continual emphasis on teamwork corresponds closely with the daily requirements of the business world.

Early leaders are good leaders. 
This opportunity is unparalleled in the corporate world, where an employee may need 10 to 15 years to reach a position of significant leadership and high level of responsibility.

Excel at ethics. 
In the world of business, the ethical leader is sometimes a rarity, and truly esteemed.

Full story at Fast Company.

More leadership advice.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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