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DIY door safe

Posted by / October 10, 2011

Looking for a novel place to stash some cash or other small treasures? Why not break out the tools this weekend and get crackin’ on this most ingenious idea from Sean Michael Ragan:

Pop quiz: What does the top edge of say, your utility closet door look like? I’m betting that you’ve never seen it, even if you’ve lived in your home for awhile. And although there’s not a lot of room to hide stuff in there, well, if you’re like me, the stuff you want to hide is usually on the smaller side. Not many people think of the space inside the door as a hiding spot, but it’s right there in easy reaching distance when you need to get to it. And it’s devious enough that, yes, I think this trick will still be effective even after I blog it all over the web.

If the tools look used thieves might want to check the door tops, otherwise stick to the freezer. Well, that or the telltale stack of splintered doors on the curb come garbage day.

Full story at Make Projects via Incredible Things.

Clever DIY.

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