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From the uh-oh files: mosquitoes ignore DEET

Posted by / February 25, 2013

Fun mosquito


DEET seems to be losing its effectiveness against mosquitoes, a new study shows. This is hazardous of course in so many countries where mosquitoes spread deadly diseases.

Scientists believe that after having been exposed once to the smell of DEET, the mosquitoes experience a change in their olfactory system that result in their being less able to smell the chemical.

There will need to be a new repellant soon. Researchers are working on that. Thank goodness, as I live in an area where West Nile is common!

More at BBC.

More stories about science.

Photo credit: julien tromeur –

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  • mythbuster

    That is not really what the study says. DEET has not changed and the mosquitoes have not changed. The study took a closer look at something that has always existed and which has little application to the common person.

    Until there is a better repellent that is EPA approved, keep using DEET. The researchers of this study said that too.

  • First of all Mosquitoes don’t have a nose! They have antena which can sense differant chemicals which is what keeps mosquitoes away from plants! The scents we find pleasent irritate the Mosquitoes anttena! Deet works by masking your chemistry! Your Carbon and amino acids can be seen as a blood meal to a mosquito! Hence you look like a juicy red steak to them! When you apply deet it covers those chemicals from being seen (by her complex Eyes) hense she doesn’t see you as a blood meal anymore! That is why Application is the most important thing, make sure to wipe to cover every inch of exposed skin so she can’t see you!! Biting Flies have even a more complex Eye that sees through Deet we have been successful by adding synergins that enhance the effectivness of the deet making it effective on Biting Flies!
    The products at the clean scent works 2 ways deet turning your chemistry invisable and a clean vanilla scent irritating her antena! The Biting Fly has MGK 264 and MGK 326 these are the enhancers I spoke of, to make the deet more effective against the Biting flies!
    The smell is not the deet it is the Isopropyl Alchohal to keep the deet in liquid form and that evaporation only keeps them away for seconds. It’s intent is to keep the deet in liquid form and evaporate to keep the deet on skins surface were it needs to be to comouflage your chemistry!
    The BuggMan any Questions you can contact me at [email protected]! Products can be found at and for Homes and buildings