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Irony is king with royal commemorative condoms

Posted by / January 31, 2011


Millions will be spent making sure the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton is a classy affair, yet commemorative memorabilia has just reached a new low, and a rather ironic one at that.

Crown Jewels, the “condoms of distinction” boast their product has “the strength of a Prince with the yielding sensitivity of a Princess-to-be,” and include the suggestion that users “lie back and think of England.” In a business where heirs are of the utmost importance, it would seem rather inappropriate to be pushing birth control to honor the royal nuptials, but the fine print does warn consumers the novelty condom isn’t necessarily effective when it comes to preventing pregnancy.

Thinking of England in winter, though, might be.

Full story at AOL News.

Royal oddities.

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  • cocokat89

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! I love your comment.