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Monet at work

Posted by / January 26, 2013


If you’re familiar with any of the Impressionists, chances are it’s the paintings of Monet that spring to mind, be they of waterlilies or grain stacks imbued with that magical light of which the genre was so fond of capturing.

While his paintings are unmistakable, though, how likely is it that you would recognize the man himself?

The website Monet has a collection of photographs from the painter’s life, ranging from the man himself to the countryside that inspired him, which offer a fascinating glimpse into one of the most recognizable painters of the time.


Monet painting the Waterlilies in his studio, c. 1923.


Monet in his salon atelier at Ginevrey, c. 1915.

Full story at Monet via Retronaut.

Giants of art.

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