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Penis size and foot size. Studies say…

Posted by / February 21, 2013

small child legs inside a pair of big clown shoes


Before we get started, did you know that there was an app that supposedly correlates penis size with foot size? Hewlett-Packard released one called Chubby Checker and is now being sued. I have the new BlackBerry and will have to get BB on to adding this to their stable before it’s pulled.

But seriously, this is a question that has been asked for millennia. Is a man’s shoe size related to his penis size?

Answering this turns out to be more problematic than one would initially think, as urologists have trouble measuring penises reliably. There are so many variables: temperature, mental state, and physical activity. Most researchers use the “tug” method and stretch out flaccid penises and indeed, most claim that this is likely the best way to measure a penis. Problem is, it depends how hard the researcher tugs. (I can’t stop thinking of those Ikea test machines).

Ideally, researchers have claimed they’d prefer to measure fully-erect members but obviously that is not always possible and so most urologists resort to this technique:

Some … measure it immediately after the subject drops his trousers, to prevent cold from affecting the data. They stretch the penis once, take a measurement, and are finished. Other researchers pull the penis to length three times before measuring it, the way a clown repeatedly stretches a balloon before inflating it and twisting it into the shape of a dog.

In the end, the short answer is that penis size is probably related to shoe size.

Read more at Slate.

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Photo credit: Helder Almeida –

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