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5 resolutions for aspiring leaders

Posted by / January 8, 2012


You don’t have to be a natural leader to be a good leader. With some guidance, experience, and maybe a few tips, many of us can lead our teams to success. Havard Business Review offers five resolutions for the aspiring leaders. Here’s just one:

Find a trustworthy mentor: Mentorship is a critical component of your development as a leader. A 2004 study showed that young leaders with mentors were more likely succeed professionally and experience career satisfaction. The essence of effective mentoring is developing a trusting relationship between the mentor and mentee. Identify someone with whom you have a genuine chemistry and who is committed to your development. Although many mentees do not realize it, a sound relationship is a two-way street that benefits both parties—not just the mentee. We suggest looking for mentors whom you admire for their values and character more than their success.

Full story at Harvard Business Review.

More news for leaders.

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  • Joel Carter

    Great article.