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The anatomy of Cars

Posted by / November 13, 2011


Ever wonder just what makes Mater tick? Me neither, but that didn’t stop the imagination of illustrator Jake Parker from going into overdrive and imagining the lifelike nuts and bolts that go into a Pixar machine.

I grew up in AZ and am very familiar with small towns strung along old highways. It struck a chord with me, and left a good message: Slow down, look around, and enjoy life for a moment. However, every other Pixar movie took either a living creature and anthropomorphized it (bugs, fish, monsters, rats) or in the case of Toy Story took inanimate objects and bought them to life, but did so with in the realm of our world. Cars is the only movie they’ve done where they’ve extricated the experience from our world and put it somewhere else completely. And that leads me to the one thing that didn’t sit well with me: the strange machine/flesh hybrids Pixar came up with to populate this world.

That’s what you call putting a bit of Frankenstein lightening into McQueen.


Full story at Agent 44 via Street Anatomy.

Dissecting live animation.

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