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The pregnancy experience in two minutes

Posted by / June 20, 2011


Ever wish you could try on pregnancy before taking the plunge?

Takuya Iwamoto of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has created an outfit that allows the uninitiated to get a taste of fetal kicks and the awkward nature of pregnancy through all nine months with an interactive suit that allows the user to “interact” with their virtual peanut.

The device can replicate the 9-month long process in two minutes or it can be worn for a longer period to experience what it feels like day-to-day. To mimic the fetus, it contains a 4-litre bag filled with warm water. Kicking movement is recreated with a lining of 45 balloons that expand and contract.

For an additional dash of realism, drink a gallon of water and wear shoes that are at least a size too small.

Full story at New Scientist via Neatorama.

Feel the baby kick.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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