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Traits of excellent salespeople

Posted by / August 16, 2012


Are you an excellent salesperson? Me neither. But we can both change this, you and me. How? By looking at these twenty traits of great salespeople, we can mimic them. Here are some examples:

They don’t think in terms of sales but rather in terms of building a business. Great sales people are building a business, not just trying to make a sale. When you think beyond a sale, you’re going to get other people’s attention much more easily. They’re going to be more interested in what you have to say. You want something that’s going to survive beyond one sale.

They build their businesses one customer at a time and then always leverage the last customer into more customers. Don’t ever just make a sale and forget about that client. The last sale you make should always open the door to new relationships and clients.

They listen more than they speak, getting an understanding of the customer’s needs and then finding a solution. Great sales people always ask their clients why they want something done. In listening more than talking, you can better accommodate what they are looking for.

Full story at Open Forum.

More sales tips and tricks.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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