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Viewing Earth from 6 million miles away

Posted by / September 1, 2011


Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe it’s time to get some perspective with the help of NASA’s Juno spacecraft.

This view of Earth and the moon was shot by Juno on August 26 as it hit the six million mile marker, some serious mileage achieved since its launch on August 5 but a long way from its ultimate destination, Jupiter.

Juno still has five years to go until it can start gathering data to “provide insight into Jupiter’s origin, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere. Juno will also help determine if Jupiter, a gas giant, has a solid core.”

From that distance, everything looks rather warm and fuzzy down here on Earth, eh?

Full story at NASA’s Earth Observatory.

No pit stops in space.

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  • Mike Kennedy

    If I squint a little, I can see my apartment.