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Why you should practice servant leadership

Posted by / November 5, 2013


What are the first words that come to your mind when you think of a leader? Powerful, ambitious, commanding? Probably something along those lines. The words “humble” and “servant” probably don’t make the short list, but this Washington Post article draws on lessons from top-performing companies to suggest that you should consider servant leadership.

Humble wins

Most people seek a leadership position because they want more pay, more prestige, more perks and more power. They seek and fall for the intoxicating powers of leadership.

Servant leaders side step that failing. They are paid more, but very few ever make the highest-paid CEOs list. Instead, they fight elitism in themselves and their organizations. Many of these organizations eschew corporate jets, executive dining rooms, big decorated executive offices and other trappings of elitism. Some of these leaders had small windowless offices. Some shared administrative staff with other executives.

Via Washington Post.

More leadership advice.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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