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Writing on the walls with white-board paint

Posted by / October 21, 2009

Tons of interesting design info.


Make your childhood dreams come true with the chance to scribble all over the walls. While it’s not quite crayons doodling on grandma’s floral wall-paper, a new product called IdeaPaintcan fulfill some of those wishes from the preschool days. IdeaPaint turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board with just one coat and, voila, your entire office is transformed into a giant whiteboard.

So, do you think a huge writing surface would inspire creativity in your office or would those PR folks just doodle inappropriate things?

By Annie Colbert.

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  • Michael

    I’ve heard that they don’t erase very well. This seems to me like a serious problem, as I’m sure it’s very hard to paint over or "refresh"… Has anybody else heard (or better: experienced) anything different?