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Busy people’s advice on how to be productive [infographic]

Posted by / December 8, 2013


Think you’re busy? The five people featured in this infographic have crazy schedules, but you don’t hear them complaining. In fact, you hear them offering advice on how to be more productive!

Via Open Forum.

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  • […] Think you're busy? The five people featured in this infographic have crazy schedules, but you don't hear them complaining. In fact, you hear them offering advice on how to be more productive! Via O…  […]

  • Right on the money! In fact, I notice quite a correlation between these tips for maximum productivity and the habits of the wealthy, as opposed to the habits of the “poor”. So I think it’s safe to assume that busy people (or even people in general) can acquire wealth if they adopt these habits; while those who never get a grip will be unproductive and consequently remain poor! I like that word “ruthless” when applied to self.