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Terrifying building collapse in Mexico City

Posted by / September 20, 2017

On September 19, 2017, Mexico City was rocked by its second major earthquake in two weeks.

This is one of the many buildings that collapsed, and the sudden nature of the destruction is terrifying.

Currently, the death count stands at 200 and rising. Mashable offers this advice on resources assisting in the aftermath:

Organizations like UNICEF Mexico are looking for monetary donations.

There’s a big need for clothes, water, and food. Giving to places like the Red Cross Mexico, Oxfam Mexico, Save the Children Mexico, and Direct Relief is a way to get resources flowing. Smaller nonprofits like Project Paz are also collecting donations for earthquake relief.

A rescue brigade, Topos Mexico, was huge part of efforts back in 1985 and is hard at work with the latest earthquakes and taking donations.

Full story at Mashable and YouTube.

Mexico reeling.

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