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Cat begs to go out in the cutest possible way

Posted by / January 13, 2017

This cat has the cutest way of begging to go out to play with his friends. It’s almost like a little kid––it stands up, waves its hands, and makes cute noises.

Full story at YouTube.

More great cats.

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  • Tears actually came to my eyes it was so adorable.

  • sparran

    I’ve always found black and white cats to have the most personalities. I loved this. But, did he ever get to go out?

  • macho

    I like cats, but I can’t eat a whole one and … cat left-over doesn’t keep well.

  • Dean Winter

    So let him out. Stupid humans.

  • Dr Pepper

    Stupid humans pay more attention to your pets
    They are family not property
    They deserve all the kindness comfort and TLC
    A Heart Loving Home and decent food And WARM COVERS
    IN THE COLD !!!!!! Those type of people are BELOW HUMAN
    I have a Cat and she means the world to me And all animals
    Deserve the best

  • Not only isn’t it healthy for your cat to let it outside, but do some reading up on how the bird population is suffering from the little cuties being out. Not good for either species.

  • bobcat33

    Yes, if you let your cat out, put a bell on it, so birds can hear it coming.

  • Flora

    I hope he has a micro chip in case he wonders around.

  • bobcat33

    You can hear him say let me out let me out now. love the kitty

  • Forest Rangel

    Kitty saying let me out let me out right now.

  • SuzQ789

    The cat is even pointing with it’s left paw indicating she is quite intelligent!

  • Valdo

    Our cat has done that ever since she was a kitten. And she isn’t black & white.

  • Cindy Araya

    Cutie pie!

  • RON

    Sweet little Doodlebug !!!

  • Dave

    Looks almost exactly like my tuxedo cat, Curious George. George thinks he’s human.

  • dayle

    Cat is indicating for you to TURN THE DOORKNOB so he can go out.

  • Fukhazars

    People who exploit/capitalize on the “cute” = suffering of animals are sadistic D – bags that nee way of the B&B Circus worms!

  • Hubert

    I love it so so much. Cause he looks alike my lost cat.
    I miss my loving cat everyday, I want to save it but don’t know how!

  • BOBCAT33 – Interesting thing about the bell on the collar is that it doesn’t work. I have had several cats and have tried this. Believe it or not the cat will learn very quickly how to walk and run without ringing the bell. It is amazing to watch them learn this.

  • BoBo Squatcherson

    Cats know how to turn door knobs. It’s doing the motion, so funny.

    “Ice cream!!!”

  • David

    I thought I might like it but it actually bothered me that they weren’t dooing anything about it’s begging. You would think I learned my lesson from looking at the wrong kind of porn. LET THE CAT OUT ALREADY, DAM IT.